- We provide a unique and friendly recording "environment" to make your recording
project...worry free.
- Special rates for church groups and Praise and Worship teams.
- Late night rates - 3 nights weekly, for writers who wish to record demos or for
groups on limited budgets.
- Block rates - for extended use of studio time.
Childrens tracks - for parents who wish to record a child for a special occasion
or just to preserve a cherished memory as time passes.
Soloists or group tracks - a good way to lower the overall cost of a project.
Karaoke tracks - for those who have always wanted to record their voice,
or do a demo or a full blown project.
Wedding tracks - for those wanting to sing at their own wedding, but prefer
it to be pre-recorded.
Southern Gospel tracks - for the Southern Gospel lover!
- Original commercials for your business - written and produced by Robbie Hiner.